Don’t invest unless you’re prepared to lose all the money you invest. This is a high-risk investment and you are unlikely to be protected if something goes wrong. Take a few minutes to learn more.

How to buy Cardano in the United Kingdom (GB)

At OANDA Crypto, we offer seamless trading on many cryptocurrencies, including Cardano, and there are multiple ways you can buy Cardano in the UK. You can day, swing and position trade Cardano, depending on your trading style, experience level and preference.

Our commissions and withdrawal fees are low. Always on the go? Our tailor-made mobile trading app lets you buy Cardano even when you’re on the move.

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Why trade it?

Unlike Ethereum-based tokens, Cardano native tokens aren’t created through a smart contract. Instead, they run on the same architecture as the ADA cryptocurrency.

According to the nonprofit Cardano Foundation, this makes Cardano native assets “first-class citizens” on the blockchain. The benefit of this is that the native architecture could make these tokens more secure and reduce the fees associated with transactions.

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Did you know?

Cardano was the first blockchain platform to be created on peer-reviewed research, and it was developed through evidence based methods.

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Buy Cardano in the UK with OANDA Crypto.
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Cardano FAQ

Is Cardano available to trade through OANDA Crypto?